Friday, 15 April 2011


 Following my recent holiday to Cuba, I was lucky enough to try a true Mojito in its birth place.  And I can honestly say that it was one of the best i have ever tried, and put many of the one i've tried here in the UK to shame.
At the bar we visited they only served Mojitos or beer, so the choice was obvious.  The bar was full of people drinking Mojitos and the bartender was making them in batches of 12 or more.
As we waited for ours to arrive the local gardener arrived with a huge bag of freshly picked mint, you just don't get fresher than that!
Below is their recipe and the version that I hope to start serving at Mai Tai, its very similar in style of drink to the bar standard of Vodka, lime & lemondade served here, designed to be both easy to drink and thirst quenching, ideal for the summer months we are all waiting for!


50ml of White rum (Havana Ideally!)
25ml of Fresh lime juice (they call it lemon?!?!)
3/4 barspoons of granulated sugar
Large handfull of fresh mint
Sparkling or Soda Water
Dash of aged rum (again ideally Havana)

Method: Add sugar, lime and mint to a collins glass, a 12oz will be ideal, muddle ingredients hard until fully mixed, half fill the glass with sparkling water, scoop off mint (unless you like it in the drink) fill the glass with hard ice, add rum and stir. 
Serve with 2 straws and a sprig of fresh mint, Voila!

by Dave Winstanley

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