Regarded as one of the brightest up and coming Mixologists in the industry Dave has competed in many high profile competitions including the search for the Worldclass World Bartender of the Year, where he was a finalist in London. Daveís management of Mai Tai Parkstone resulted in the venue receiving numerous awards including Best Venue in Dorset 2010 and reaching the last ten venues in the U.K. Venue of the Year 2010 competition.
Regarded as one of the brightest up and coming Mixologists in the industry Dave has competed in many high profile competitions including the search for the Worldclass World Bartender of the Year, where he was a finalist in London. Daveís management of Mai Tai Parkstone resulted in the venue receiving numerous awards including Best Venue in Dorset 2010 and reaching the last ten venues in the U.K. Venue of the Year 2010 competition.

Niall is another of our home grown staff members graduating for the U-Mix Academy. Recognised for his quality in knowledge and cocktails this professionalism has seen him break every serving record the company owned. Niall is the manager of Mai Tai Lounge Bar, Parkstone ably following on the tradition of this award winning venue. Niallís cocktails are sure to be complex, full bodied and diverse in flavours.
With events hosted nationally being a large part of U-Mix life, our jet setting mixologist Ricky, spends much of his time on the road co-ordinating our events on the floor. A product of the training academy at Mai Tai under the tutelage of Dave Winstanley, his bartending skills are second to none. With cocktails feature some the cocktail worldís favourite products these drinks are simply stunning in creation and in consumption.
One of the best bartenders to be produced from the Bournemouth bartending scene, Gina joined the company to work at Mai tai Parkstone. As part of the award winning team of trainers, her skills have helped many of the younger bartenders of the future hone their skills and understand the practices of working within the cocktail industry. With drinks varying from short to long and differing in style these cocktails are truly cutting edge.