Monday, 4 April 2011


Here at the award winning Mai Tai lounge bar we are currently running a beer of the week!! and the chosen beverage for this week is.... San Francisco's famous Anchor Steam! I first tried anchor steam about 1 month ago and all i can say is... i have fallen in love! This beer has been consistent from the 70s and is one of the forerunners of all craft brews in the US. 

Amber/orange in color, crystal clear with a cream-colored head that stands proud at about an inch with really good structure and pretty decent retention. Pretty beer.

Refreshing floral smell, rich with noble hops against a malt presence reminiscent of honey oat bread. Very perfumy and not in a bad way.

Noble hops again balance well with the honey/oat bread malts. Same as you smell and very crisp. Again, the consistency of this beer over the decades is amazing. An all round good beer in my opinion, but then who am i to say what you like... i will leave that one down to you, so come on in and give it a try! 

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