What the Mai Tai?
As we are named after this fantastic classic cocktail, it only seems right that we should cover it, there have been many variations on this cocktail some better than others we are going to look at just two of the original recipes and there associated stories

firstly we will look at Tiki Cocktails and how two claims to fame on the Mai Tai
came about. The two original movers in tiki tum drinks after Prohibition where Victor Bergeron (Trader Vic) and Ernest Raymond Beaumont-Gantt (Donn the beach) there rivalry was legendary however it is generally regarded that Donn the beach was the pioneer and Trader Vic was inspired after visiting Donn's bar, Donn the beachcomber in Hollywood, he returned to his bar in oakland California, Hinky Dink's. He converted into a palm tree and coconut tiki heaven. Donn the beach created the Mai Tai in 1933 in Hollywood, based around a good 17 year old Jamaican rum he had around. This was ten years before Trader Vic first offered his creation. Donn served his Jamaican Rum concoction to a pair of friends from Tahiti, Ham & Carrie Guild, After tasting the drink Carrie raised her glass and said 'Mai to roa ao,' which in Tahitian means 'Out of this World' or 'the best'. And thus the drink had its mantle!
Below are both recipes, simply pick your favourite;
Mai Tai (Trader Vic's)
50ml of Aged Rum
20ml of Orange Curacao
20ml of Fresh Lime Juice
10ml of Orgeat/ Orzata syrup
Shake all ingredients together strain over hard ice in a rocks glass
Garnish with a lime wedge and mint sprig.
Mai Tai (Donn Beach)
40mls Myers Dark Rum
25ml of Havana Club 3 yrs
25ml of fresh lime juice
30ml of fresh grapefruit juice
15ml of Velvet Falernum
20ml of Cointreau
2 dashes of Angostura Bitters
4 spigs of mint
Dash of Absinth
Shake ingredients hard for a minute serve in a double old fashioned glass
Garnish with mint sprigs, Donn recommended sipping the drink slowly through the mint.
These drinks optimise the tiki culture so know one on up jump in your hammock and enjoy on a lazy afternoon. Perfect!